Summer is the season for the most brilliant blooming flowers in Japan. Including sunflower is the flower most familiar with people "land of the rising sun", blooming time from July to August, to Japan at this time everywhere visitors can see thousands of sunflowers blooming. In Ibaraki Prefecture, there will be a "sunflower festival" event in two cities, Chikusei and Naka. In addition, Ibaraki also attracts visitors with many different types of flowers.
Sunflowers blooming in the "Akeno Sunflowers Village - Miyayamafurusatofureai Park" in Chikusei City are characterized by a variety of overlapping petals, here mostly resembling the rare Japanese Yae sunflower. Very specific petals have also appeared in the masterpiece "Sunflower" by the talented painter Van Gogh, so perhaps many travelers have known. It is also mixed with many other popular sunflowers, so visitors can admire the beautiful views of many types of sunflowers.
This is a great attraction where visitors can admire the idyllic scenery with the majestic mountain of Tsukuba behind.
Sunflower field in Kuramochi area, Chikusei city, Ibaraki province
Location: 504 Miyayama, Chikusei city
Access: (Tram / bus) From the Shimodate Station on the JR Mito Line, it takes about 10 minutes by taxi
(Car): About 30 minutes from Tsuchiura Kita to Joban Expressway IC, or about 20 minutes from Sakuragawa Chikusei IC to Kita Kanto Expressway
Park holidays: Mondays (if they coincide with holidays, they will be closed on the next weekday)
Estimated time: Mid-August ~ early September
After looking at the field of Akeno sunflowers, the next point we want visitors to visit is the "Grand Terrance Chikusei" population that just opened last year. Here on the vast land area not only sells agricultural products or souvenirs, but also gathers many restaurants of all kinds. It is full of toys, play areas for children, very suitable as a fun place for the whole family.
Location: 1850 Kawasumi, Chikusei City, Ibaraki Prefecture
Access: (Tram / bus) From Shimodate Station on JR Mito Line, it takes about 20 minutes on foot
(Car) About 10 minutes from Sakuragawa Chikusei IC Kita Kanto Expressway
Opening hours: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm June ~ 8 until 19:00)
Closed: Every third Wednesday of the month
Admission: Free (some areas charge)
Naka city near Mito city, choose sunflowers as the flower of the city, around the city's general park every summer, when 250,000 sunflowers bloom in the field about 4 hectares, brightening Flushing an area.
Here arranged the path like a maze in the sunflower field, both adults and children can have fun times here. In addition, from the observatory, visitors can zoom in on the view of an endless field of sunflowers.
Sunflowers fields around Naka General Park
Location: 428-2 Tozaki, Naka city
Access: (By tram / bus) From Kamisugaya Station on the JR Mito Line, it takes about 20 minutes by taxi
(Car) About 10 minutes from Naka IC on Joban Expressway
Park holidays: Mondays (if they coincide with holidays, they will be closed on the next weekday)
Estimated time: Mid-August ~ end of August
You can also watch sunflowers at the Hitachi coastal park famous for Nemophila flowers or Kokia grass. Visitors can see a variety of sunflowers at Miharashi no Sato or Izumi no Hiroba Flower garden inside the park. At the same time, when Kokia grows up, it also hosts a light festival in the evening where more than 30,000 Kokia trees in Miharashi no Oka hill are illuminated with magical light.
Hitachi Seaside Park
Location: 605-4 Mawatari Onuma, Hitachinaka City, Ibaraki Prefecture
Getting there: (Tram / bus) From JR Joban Station Katsuda Station, it takes about 15 minutes by bus
(Car) About 1 km from Hitachi Seaside park with Hitachinaka toll road, after passing Hiachinaka IC Kita Kanto Expressway
Opening hours: 9: 30 ~ 17: 00
Working time, holidays vary depending on the season
Holidays: Tuesday (if coincides with holidays will take days off on the next week)
Subtract month 4,5,8,10
Admission: Adults (from high school students and above) 450 yen, seniors (65 years and older) 210 yen, elementary and junior high school students for free
Also: Kokia Lighting Festival from August 21 ~ August 30 (tentative) lighting time: 18:00 ~ 21: 30.